Are You Hearing What You Need to Hear?

A few of my friends got together for coffee one morning this past week before work. A girlfriend sat next to me and you could just feel the aura around her that vibrated “I am in a crappy mood”. Pretty sad when it’s 6:30 in the morning and you are already in a bad mood.
I asked her how she was doing and she said “I’m in a shitty mood, I woke that way.” I told her she can press restart on the day at any time.
As we all started sharing about what’s going on in our life, my friend piped up that she was there to restart her day before heading off to the office. And she just shared what’s going on her life.
The funny thing is that she doesn’t really have much going on outside the normal day to day activities she’s doing. She can’t point to one thing and state “That is why I’m feeling crappy”, she just feels crappy.
And that is okay!
What is not okay is to wallow in crap. Recognize it, acknowledge it and move on.
The simple act of just talking about your frame of mind … and note that I said talk not whine … will serve you wonderfully to adjust your mood. The other thing to do is to listen to others about what’s going on in their lives.
I know for me it’s hard when I’m internally focused on my crap to sit and listen to someone talk about what’s going on their life. Queen Baby starts pouting “What about me! What about me!” It shows up as impatience when I interact with others.
If I sit, listen and be present to what is going on in the lives of others, I get out of myself and inevitability I will hear what it is I need to hear.
As we all finished our coffee, my girlfriend’s mood was turned around and she stated “This is exactly what I needed to press restart.”
What she heard that did it, I have no idea and it doesn’t matter … she heard what was meant to be heard and she acted on it.
Can you press restart on your day? If so, I would love to hear what techniques you use