Work Is To Be Enjoyed, Not Endured

Do you enjoy your work?People get stuck in ruts and they stop growing personally on an emotional, mental and/or spiritual basis. I see that frequently when working with women who feel stuck in their jobs or careers.
Humans have a tendency to stay with what is comfortable versus moving outside their comfort zone. Even if a current job situation is miserable, we elect to stay in what we know versus what we don’t.
We will come up with all sorts of excuses for why we don’t take the leap to invigorate our career and more importantly our lives. I’ve heard it all. I will wait until my husband gets a new job; I’m going to wait until my kids graduate from high school. No one wants to hire a mid-life woman.
Face it, these are excuses for fear. Fear paralyzes us into doing nothing.
So, what does it take to move us?
I’ve been in jobs where I felt emotionally dead. I absolutely dreaded going to the office day after day. And guess what? We are not meant to live that way. Our jobs should be joyful and fulfilling because that spills over into our lives outside the office.
I finally decided to take the leap of faith where I needed to step outside my comfort zone. Depending upon different places in my career, I have done what I needed to do to get a new position, promotion or transition to a new company.
My faith came when I began working with other women who had successfully walked the career advancement path before me. They gave me hope that I, too, could have an incredible life just as they did if I followed their guidance.
When I finally made the decision that I wanted to live my life and not just endure it, inner peace came. I knew I was making the right decision for myself. I immediately had a spring in my step because I was breaking free of my rut.
What I know today is that I don’t want to be stuck in that rut again. Today, I continuously challenge myself to step outside my comfort zone. When I do, it is a fulfilling growth experience. I have done some amazing things in my life because I am willing to put myself out there.
My journey has enabled me to pass on what I have learned to other women to challenge them to reinvigorate their career. I want women to have the jobs of their dreams and love every minute of their lives.
I would hope by the example of my living that others see the hope that their lives can be better and take the leap of faith. If you are ready for that leap and need to chat about it,