It is possible to create an incredible life. Problem areas can clear up. You can have love & your dreams can come true. We can show you how.
The opportunity of life is to learn how to create the experience of love. When this is present, you are happy, alive, and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. You also have a very positive attitude. You are positive in your thinking, your speaking, and your actions. You then radiate this positive energy into your life and great things happen around you.
When you are in the experience of love, the circumstances of life have no power over you. You are on top of life and life works effortlessly. Living in this state is the key to resolving problem areas and having your dreams come true.
Find a time when you were in the experience of love and notice how good you felt. Notice the peace you had. Notice how effortless life was. Isn’t this the happiness that you seek? Of course it is. Ultimately, this is what we want in our relationships and in our lives.
Inner states of mind
Take a moment now and notice where the experience of love is located. Is it outside of you or is it inside? It’s inside. It's an inner state. It's a state of mind.
Now let’s look at the opposite. The opposite state is one of fear and upset. When you are in this state, the circumstances of life have total power over you. You close down inside. You get tunnel vision and lose your ability to see clearly.
You also become very negative. You become negative in your thinking, your speaking and your actions. You then radiate this negative energy into the world around you and guess what shows up - negative circumstances.
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Fear, upsets, and the experience of love seem to be caused by our circumstances, but this is an illusion that will keep us stuck forever.
They are not caused by what happens. They are caused by how we relate to what happens. They are nothing more than states of mind created by how we experience life.
Instead of the circumstances of life determining our state of mind, it’s the other way around. Our state of mind shapes our actions, which in turn, determines the type of circumstances that show up.
When you are in the experience of love, you radiate a very positive energy. This produces positive circumstances. When you are in a state of fear and upset, you radiate a very negative energy. This produces negative circumstances.
Life doesn’t just happen. We interact with life in a very specific way which produces a very specific result. When you change how you relate to life, you change what happens around you.
Once you discover that your inner state is totally separate from your circumstances, you take a major step towards the mastery of life.
This awareness frees you from the circumstances and allows you to chart your own course in life. You see life clearly and can see what needs to be done. You are confident, creative, and very resourceful. Instead of life being on top of you, you are on top of life.
As a human being, you have the ability to create an incredible life. Problem areas can clear up. You can have love and you can create a life that will literally exceed your dreams, but this won’t happen by itself.
There are concepts to learn, issues to heal, and specific action to take. Fortunately, the process of transforming your life is relatively simple. You just need to know how. This site will walk you through the steps