How to Quiet the Committee in Your Head

Do you ever experience the committee talking in your head?
This is when you are mulling over an event that happened and it’s like full court is in session. Your mind starts talking back and forth with itself with “What about this?” “What about that?” “You should have said this instead?”
Sound Familiar?
It’s exhausting! AND it’s a complete waste of time.
Nothing gets solved and it gets me all wound up emotionally. There were times when I couldn’t get to sleep because I felt as if six of me jumped in bed with me to continue the internal conversation in my head.
There were years that I didn’t even realize I let the committee take hold in my brain. It was just how I let inner turmoil rule my life. Once I realized it, I knew I needed to take steps to adjourning the committee forever.
It took work and perseverance, but I did it!
I would love to share the top technique that works for me and the women I coach. The most rewarding part about having the committee adjourned is the ability to make good decisions and make them quickly.
The first step is you need to recognize that your committee is in session.
I will then close my eyes … unless of course, I’m driving! I then visualize a wire hamster wheel with a little guy running in that wheel as fast as his legs can carry him. My visualization comes with sound of a squeaking wheel I can hear. I watch that hamster run for about 5 seconds.
Then I visualize myself putting a stick between the wire rungs that brings the wheel to a screeching halt. I then visualize in slow motion that hamster hitting the side of the wheel and sliding down to the bottom. I can’t help but smile anytime I think of it.
The entire visualization takes 15 seconds and will completely adjourn the committee.
The idea is to an interrupt to your thinking pattern. I have a girlfriend that instead of using a hamster wheel, she likes to visualize herself holding a big bouquet of helium balloons and mentally letting them go slowly one by one outside in a park.
Whatever that pattern interrupt you need to do is, that is what you need touse anytime your committee decides to hold session in your mind.
Would love to hear suggestions on pattern interrupts, please comment below.
What I found and my clients do as well, that the frequency of the committee coming into session becomes less frequent until one day they notice that it has been weeks or even months since the committee was in their mind.
For me, it has been years. It is empowering to know that I have the ability to change my thinking patterns to what works for me