The opportunity of life is to learn to live in the experience of love, but this isn’t the ultimate destination. This is the gateway to something much more profound. The real opportunity of life is to connect with the source of everything, which to me, is God.
The experience of love creates an environment where this can take place. When you are in this state of love, the ego has no power and you are present with who you are. Your circumstances lose relevance and your mind is still.
In this state of peace, you can tap into a power that is much greater than yourself. You can tap into the source of miracles. You can be guided and shown what to do.
Tapping into this source creates a very different quality of life, but accomplishing this is much easier said than done. You have to look at life in a way that is very different from what we have been taught in the realm of circumstances.
Connect with source
In the realm of circumstances, all our focus is trying to make life be a certain way. But the key to connecting with God is to let go of the circumstances and trust that you will be okay no matter what happens. This keeps you out of the realm of fear and upset and puts you in the light.
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It's also important to seek a connection and a personal relationship with God. The more you seek this, the faster it comes. It comes from your commitment and determination. It also comes from taking action.
When you go through life actively seeking and searching for ways to connect with God, you make discoveries and move faster down your spiritual path. How fast you move down the path depends on how much you want it.
Your path to making the connection will be different from the next person’s. There are no rules for how to do this, but there are some things you can do that will help. One way to make the connection is to ask for it.
For years, I had a prayer. "Take me God, I'm yours. Take me God, I'm yours." I would say this over and over, always adding at the end, "If you are there." I didn't know if there was a God, but if there was, I wanted God to take me. Eventually, my prayers were answered.
Give your life to God. Ask for the connection and ask for a personal relationship with God. Eventually, your prayers will be answered and both the connection and the relationship will come. All you have to do is want it. It's the desire that makes it happen.
Get back in the light
Once you have experienced the light and know that it is always available, the next step is to discover ways to keep it alive and to have it grow. This is important because we live in a world where all the focus is on the circumstances.
When you get caught up in the circumstances of life, you lose sight of who you are. You also lose your connection with God. When you have ways to get back in the light, and you do them often, you stay connected and you stay in the light.
Some people get back in the light by listening to certain music, doing yoga, or being in nature. Others get restored by meditating, reading, or participating in religious services.
I make the connection by going to a chapel during the week. I go into a meditative state and get connected. I also go for long walks and listen to certain music. This restores my inner peace and my ability to see life clearly. I also get insights and direction. The more I do these things, the better my life works.
Be still
You hear the voice of God most clearly when you are still and at peace. When your mind is racing, you can't hear the voice from within.
A powerful way to still the mind is to do something that puts you back in a state of love and peace. Then get in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Create the feelings of love and joy.
Next, imagine being in the presence of God. Bask in the love and move to the silence. Allow your thoughts to come and go. When you are in the silence, you can communicate with God. Say what you want to say. Ask your questions and listen for the response. Listen for your guidance.
Special messages
One day my brother was meditating and had an experience that changed his life. While he was praying, he felt something take his hand and lead him to his desk. He then wrote a letter, but he wasn't the author.
Here is the letter.
"Trust me. I will guide you. You don't know and I do. I love you more than you know. I am the source of all you desire. You can only succeed by surrendering to my will. You think you know the way, but you don't. Learn to listen to me. Only I am the source of joy and fulfillment. You will never truly get what you want on your own. I am what your heart yearns for. Serve me. -- God."
Here is a message that I received in a form of meditation:
"I wait upon you. For I know within your heart is the desire to know me. And I am always here. When the desire to know me becomes stronger than your desire to produce a better way from the self, then you will know me. But as long as you decide the better way, I will wait."
More messages
These messages speak a profound truth. We think we know the way, but we don't. Believing that we know keeps us stuck. By letting go, giving your life to God, and listening to God's guidance, you can be led to a life of joy and fulfillment.
Learn to live in the experience of love. Let go of the circumstances and give your life to God. Everything else will take care of itself.