Changing Process of Nappy

Prepare the change table; make the process quick but enjoyable for baby; wipe bottom using the a clean area of the dirty nappy.

Set-up and strip off

  • Before changing a nappy, make sure you have everything you need within reach of the change area. This includes a fresh nappy, baby cream, baby wipes or washcloths, and some water.
  • Lie your baby down on the change table. If she grizzles, you might like to sing her a song or give her a favourite toy to keep her entertained. Always keep your hands on your baby so she doesn't fall.
  • Undress your baby’s bottom half, then undo the nappy. He might do a wee when he feels the cooler air, so have a spare cloth handy. Use the front of the nappy to wipe off any poo, then fold the nappy into a tight bundle to stop spills.

Cleanse and put on the new nappy

Wipe the bottom clean and apply cream; lift the hips to get underneath the bottom; put a nappy cover on to avoid leaks.
  • Gently clean baby’s bottom with baby wipes or a damp washcloth. Put cream on her bottom. Always wipe front to back to avoid infections.
  • Take a new folded cloth nappy with a liner. Slip it under your baby, then fasten it with clips.
  • Put a nappy cover on, covering the whole nappy to avoid leaks.

Nappy-changing tips

Keep baby safe while you wash your hands; take nappy essentials when you travel; change cloth nappies 6-7 times per day.
  • Once you've dressed your baby, put him somewhere safe while you wash your hands.
  • When travelling, carry spare cloth nappies, clips, liners, pilchers, baby cream and waterproof bags.
  • You might need to change cloth nappies more often (6-7 changes on average per day) than disposables.