Any baby [or even preschooler] has a tendency to knock over any tower you build.
George jumped right at the opportunity!
Stacking up blocks at various heights, George crawled right over to plow them down.
Stacking up blocks at various heights, George crawled right over to plow them down.
Teaching him, amidst his play, all about cause and effect.
George first discovered the block towers, attempted to touch them which knocked them down and then finally realized what he did.
Repeat this cause and effect play over and over.
Stack more blocks. Knock the towers down.
Stack more blocks. Knock the towers down.
[Our block towers can only be made while Henry is napping. He doesn't care for George playing with his blocks.]
George took the opportunity to knock down blocks whenever he could.
[Forewarning: Do not attempt letting your preschooler stack the blocks while baby is around.]
Even though knocking down towers is a blast, George best likes to use the wooden blocks as teethers. They’re Melissa and Doug blocks, I’m not too worried that they’re harmful.